w3-card { class: "w3-container"; h1 { class: "w3-title"; content: "q-html code playground"; } w3-bar { w3-blue { div { class: "tabnav"; a { class: "w3-bar-item w3-button"; content: "Playground"; href: "#"; onclick: "toggleTab('Playground')"; } a { class: "w3-bar-item w3-button"; content: "q-html Official Home Page"; href: "/qhtml/"; } } } } div { id: "tab_About"; class: "w3-card w3-margin w3-hide"; p { class: "w3-container"; content: "About qHTML"; br { } w3-link,w3-center,w3-large,a { href: "https://github.com/mikeNickaloff/qhtml" text: "Visit the qHTML Github Repo to learn more" } } button { class: "w3-btn w3-blue w3-margin"; content: "Click Me!"; onclick: "openModal()"; } } div { id: "tab_Playground"; class: " w3-margin"; w3-container { class: "w3-container"; content: "This is a playground for testing qhtml"; } p { content: "Enter your qHTML Code below" } TextArea { id: "qhtmlEditor"; onKeyUp: "updateQHTMLFromEditor()"; content: ""; class: "w3-card w3-large w3-input"; style: "min-width: 1300px"; } br { } w3-large, w3-h3 { div { content: "Results"; } } w3-card { w3-wide { div { id: "qhtmlPreview"; } } } } div { id: "tab_Download"; class: "w3-margin w3-hide"; p { class: "w3-container"; content: "Here's the contact page"; } table { id: "maintable"; class: "w3-table w3-border-blue w3-grey w3-striped w3-text-black w3-card"; th { content: "Column 1"; } th { content: "Column 2"; } th { content: "column3"; } tr { td { content: "asdf"; } td { content: "asdf"; } td { content: "asdf"; } } tr { td { content: "1234"; } td { content: "4567"; } td { content: "7890"; } } tr { td { content: "asdf"; } td { content: "asdf"; } td { content: "asdf"; } } } button { class: "w3-btn w3-blue w3-margin"; content: "Click Me!"; onclick: "openModal()"; } } div { class: "w3-modal"; id: "myModal"; div { id: "myModalContent"; class: "w3-modal-content w3-container w3-card w3-large w3-white w3-padding"; header { class: "w3-header w3-blue w3-bar w3-padding w3-border"; content: "my dialog"; } article { id: "myModalMessage"; class: "w3-container w3-center w3-white w3-normal w3-padding w3-margin"; content: "heres my dialog"; br { } br { } span { content: "and an extra span for kicks"; } } div { class: "w3-footer w3-blue w3-center w3-large w3-padding"; button { class: "w3-btn w3-blue w3-margin"; content: "Close"; onclick: "closeModal()"; } } } } }