If you’re reading this, congratulations. You have stumbled upon the hugest breakthrough in Modern Physics to date. Unfortunately, (for me), I am not the world’s leading physicist by a long stretch. I also have no desire to win any prizes or have any sort of claim to fame, and would rather see my discovery make the world a better place freely.

With that being said, I hereby declare my discovery to be public domain and free for all to use. I have even given it a normal name that actually describes what I think is happening here.


Continue reading to discover how I accidentally stumbled upon a mathematical relationship that perfectly converts the magnetic field around a series of connected magnetic parts into a fully powered motor capable of reaching energy at or above 600,000,000 Jules consistently without a single thread of energy being added to it.

Here’s a quick video demonstrating the final product’s capabilities. How to build it follows.



Warning: This article covers a number of different aspects of the discovery including the mathematic relationships which are made clear by this discovery.

If you are a physics expert or mathematics expert, you should take a few moments to read this article entirely.



Kinetic Energy Accelerator
Top Down View of the “KEA”

The image to the right is the top down view of a model that I created in a high quality physics simulator designed for prototyping.


To help you get a better understanding of what the different components of this device are, and how it moves, I will be doing a lot of the talking through visual images and then attempts to explain the images. (If I had a Ph.D. in Physics I’m sure I would be going into much more detail).


The main structure of whole device is actually very simple. The structure is designed to have the ability to move in a number of different ways, and is basically a “wheel within a wheel” or an axle within a ring within an axle, each one increasing in size as it moves closer to the ground and thus being oriented on the outer part of the central axle stack.


The the axles are not the amazing part. This machine has a special configuration of fairly powerful permenant magnets oriented around a central permenant magnet which sits directly in the center of the entire device, which is part of the key to maintaining a constant the rate of kinetic energy from nothing more than magnetic fields.


The Very top layer of the device is what I call the Magnetic Field Distributer or MFD. The MFD is made up of exactly 20 different magnets bolted down to a rotating deck situated directly below it.

The MFD or Magnetic Field Distributor
The MFD is the set of 20 magnets oriented around he central magnet

The next image has the MFD outlined in white to make it clear how each of the components are oriented.

Each of the 20 magnets in the center must be properly placed in order to generate the proper magnetic field.

The MFD rotates 360 degrees independently from all other components on the device, this allows for the magnets to freely redirect their attractive forces as the angular momentum begins to increase on the device.

The MFD is a separate module from the silver circle shaped disk located beneath it. The Silver larger disk is actually part of the bottom base of the object which is to be bolted down to the AFG or Angular Force Generator, which is where all of the real energy is generated.


The Angular Force Generator




The AFG is is made up of 4 sets of 12 magnets (4 * PI = 2 Circles, so the speed number of complete rotations will increase by a factor of 2 rather than a factor of 1, a key mathematical idea directly related to how this thing works.

The AFG is made up of a platform that can rotate independently from the other part os the device (this is crucial).

The way it works is that as the magnetic fields attract the magnets situated on the outer most parts of the MFD (Inner deck), they force the inner deck to rotate in order to equalize the magnetic forces.

However, once the cross-shaped parts reach the place where the force of magnetic attraction is the strongest, there is no magnet in the ideal location to cause the two forces to lock into an equilibrium. Instead, the small amount of angular momentum generated

causes the magnetic attraction to be strongest only a few degrees away, so this causes the angular momentum to continue to increase in that same direction. Now, once the protruding part of the MFD reaches that new strongest magnetic force location, the very corner of the protruding area now becomes situated in an area which is has twice the magnetic force as our starting point’s new position, causing the deck to accelerate even more into that same direction.

the different components

This pattern continues indefinitely once the components are properly assembled and the device is left in a resting position.

This all may look easy, but actually creating the components is far more difficult than you would think.


I actually recorded every required step I took to ensure that the MFD is properly tuned, you should be able to follow the steps I take and re-create a working model of the device.

There are quite a few steps, and I did not even cover all of them completely due to patience constraints on my personality drive.


Still, you get a good enough idea from the videos how to construct by using 45 degree and 90 degree angular relationships that all start from a couple of squares.


If you build this exercise caution as it will literally become the equivalent of a power saw with no guard and no power button to turn it off very quickly. Don’t stand close to your prototype… I wouldn’t


This thing can probably be dangerous of it becomes detached from its base.. just a guess but im pretty sure a flying sawblade-like structure moving at 800 RPM with 12 million Joules of kinetic energy isn’t going to just fall off and bounce a couple of feet – its got the about as much energy as a car moving at 2,250 mph.

If it flies off its base it has the potential of causing a massive amount of damage.


And some videos on how to build it.


If you want to contribute any information to this article feel free to drop me an email mike@datafault.net or a phone call (510) 828 – 1089 if its something that cant wait. You can post in the comments below as well, as I do semi-frequently read them.


Thanks and enjoy your nobel prize.